Atlas de mortalidad en Castilla-La Mancha (2003-2014)
This atlas (in Spanish) studies the spatial and temporal variation of mortaluty due to 29 different causes of death in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). The printed version only includes a spatial analysis while the on-line version also includes a spatio-temporal analysis.

Bayesian Inference with INLA
An introduction to the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and its associated package R-INLA. This book describes the INLA method as well as how to fit a wide range of models in R.

Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA
This book describes how to fit spatial and spatio-temporal models with SPDEs and INLA. R code and datasets, as well as a free Gitbook version, are available from the book website at

Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R
This book covers many packages for handling spatial and spatio-temporal data in R, as well as other packages for spatial statistics.

Teoría y problemas resueltos de matemática aplicada y estadística para farmacia
This book (in Spanish) covers the basic contents on Applied Matehmatics and Statistics for a degree in Pharmacy. In addition, the books provides a good number of exercises and their step-by-step solutions.

Métodos Estadísticos para la Ingeniería
These books (in Spanish) covers the contents of a first course in Probability and Statistics for engineering. The first volume contains the main statistical methodology (and a few examples), whilst the second includes more than 200 solved exercises.