JSS Special Issue on Bayesian Statistics
The Journal of Statistical Software (JSS) now reached an impact factor of over 22, and recently ended highest in the category “statistics and probability” on the ISI web of knowledge ranking.
Special issues of JSS are very popular and get a lot of citations. We now invite papers for a special issue of the Journal of Statistical Software on “Bayesian Statistics”. The conditions are the regular ones of JSS submissions, but the special issue aims at bringing together articles presenting open-source software developed by the authors focusing on (but not limited to) the following topics:
- Bayesian modelling and inference.
- Software for Bayesian Data Analysis.
- Software for Bayesian Statistics.
- Model selection and assessment.
- Priors in Bayesian analysis.
- Visualization of results.
- Bayesian data analysis of highly structured data.
- High-performance computing for Bayesian data analysis.
- Bayesian methods for the analysis of ‘Big Data’.
Authors who intend to submit an article for this special issue are strongly encouraged to submit paper title, authors, and a preliminary abstract to Virgilio.Gomez@uclm.es or michela.cameletti@unibg.it before December 31st, 2018.
Guest editors for this special issue are:
- Dr. Michela Cameletti (University of Bergamo, Italy)
- Dr. Virgilio Gomez-Rubio (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)
- Prof. Martyn Plummer (Warwick University, UK)
Deadline for papers is Jun 30th, 2019. Submissions must clearly state that they are to be considered for this Special Issue, by mentioning it in the cover letter or by leaving a comment in the upload form.